Santa Clara
Played records and got squared away. Ed, Gretchen and Caesar showed up in the afternoon. Took Caesar down to the town crea.m.ery for an ice cream cone. Noje called later and said he was going to hitchhike from Merced to Gilroy and would I please pick him up there in three hours. We connected on the dot and returned to Gram’s. A regular meeting of the clan. Gram, Bop, Gretchen, Ed, Caesar, Peg, Bob, Jack, John, and myself. Noje and I shoved off about 10 p.m. to see what we could dig up at L’omellette (the Egg) or Dinah’s. Noje was fairly successful. On our way home we stopped off at the Stanford Pi Phi house and Dug Elly Watson out of her trundle sack. She seemed mighty glad to see the two of us.