Pearl Harbor
Censored a stack of mail this morning – enlisted men’s mail. The husbands writing to recent brides are the worst – 100% unadulterated “goo” – nauseating. Otherwise they run the whole gamut, from good handwriting to the illegible, from love and kisses to pure news, and from “orful spelin’” to good.
Got a little swimming again this morning. My tan is getting quite dark – beginning to look like a kanaka.
I think that when this war is over and I manage to get out of the Navy, I’ll go back to school. To a school like Yale, with a good architecture and art course. Maybe a year or so of study, along with my engineering background, will enable me to get into a good commercial design outfit – that’s my real forte. Also, I will take piano – that’s something I’m determined to learn. Hope to hell I don’t get waylaid by some skirt before I can accomplish these things.