Pearl Harbor
Worked out new abandon ship bills for planes. Made it out for two separate sets of circumstances — for planes down out of reach of land, and for planes down with land nearby. Great improvement over former abandon ship bills.
Have some of the boys digging out the necessary charts and H.O. publications.
Patwing Two Medical Officer, at my instigation, came over this afternoon and lectured all of us on the use of sulfa, drugs, morphine syrets, quinine tablets, and vitamin pills.
Went over to Pearl City this afternoon to see Al Lewis of Pan American. He’s going to write PAA’s San Francisco office a letter on me stating my wish to work for them. If and when another opportunity shows up, it may help.
Some of the Patwing One squadrons at Kaneohe are definitely getting B-24s according to the latest confidential dope. It’s about time.