Pearl Harbor Worked out new abandon ship bills for planes. Made it out for two separate sets of circumstances —…
Pearl Harbor Worked on details of flight this morning — charts, quinine pills, sheath knives, etc. Shall probably be based…
Pearl Harbor Returned Marion’s “lost” shorthand book to her sister Jean before returning to the base this morning. Watch the…
Pearl Harbor Had the day off. Went out to the house for the afternoon. Stayed at Patu’s overnight.
Pearl Harbor Called Lewis at Pan Am this morning and he told me that the Navy department had called off…
Pearl Harbor Back to the squadron this morning. Spent the remainder of the day recuperating from last night’s party.
Pearl Harbor Our one airplane went out of commission yesterday afternoon, so here we sit, some 35 experienced pilots with…
Pearl Harbor Called Al Lewis of Pan Am again this morning, but he hasn’t returned yet. Incidentally, Odell took a…
Pearl Harbor Was squadron duty officer today.
Pearl Harbor Out to the island this morning in the rear end of Gibson’s coupe. Nothing doing around the squadron,…