“Button,” Espiritu Santo Planes returning one by one from Guadal as 104 takes over. Squadron preparing to leave for Pearl…
“Button,” Espiritu Santo Hid this diary and other another interesting, but classified material, under the lining of my green bag.…
“Button,” Espiritu Santo Departed for Button this noon in company with Joe Hall. Our two planes are the first group…
“Cactus,” Carney Field, Guadalcanal No sign of VB 104. Overcast all day.
“Cactus,” Carney Field, Guadalcanal Afternoon at the beach. Knocked hell out of the Japs who came down to stop the…
“Cactus,” Carney Field, Guadalcanal Yes, Vella Lavella. A force was landed there this morning. About 4,600 troops landed on SE…
“Cactus,” Carney Field, Guadalcanal Patrolled 710 miles to Kapingamarangi. Negative, except for a 20’ lifeboat awash near Nuguria. Charlie was…
“Cactus,” Carney Field, Guadalcanal Still nothing positive on the whereabouts of VB-104. However morale is picking up with our relief…
“Cactus,” Carney Field, Guadalcanal Rained most of the day. Mud. Got a letter from Noje written July 20, just after…
“Cactus,” Carney Field, Guadalcanal Rained most of the day. Porky Pig was slaughtered by his former benefactors after he scraped…