Halekulani Hotel
Xmas Day dawned on a few hangovers, which soon cleared in the warm, sunny air. Lay on the beach most of the morning sunning my back.
Barbara Thompson called about noon time to ask me up for Xmas dinner, and I accepted readily. A very enjoyable meal, and company.
Back to the Halekulani and picked up Morse (Wing Commander RAF), Vandermade and Jones and took them to Al Gillette’s Xmas party at Kailua. A wonderful party, one of the best yet. A very pretty group group of native girls were there as friends of Al’s. They kept us all entertained with hulas and some of the most beautiful native singing I’ve ever heard. Morse, Wally, and myself, each went overboard for a native girl, While Vandermade, true to Southampton traditions, got his throat cut with a haole (white) girl. The Hawaiian girls were truly charming. Mine, Dotty Akana, was typical, being a mixture of Hawaiian, Chinese, and Spanish, and she also had one of the most beautiful smiles I’ve ever seen. Attended the University of Hawaii for two years, but has been working at Shafter since the war.
Party finally broke up about 2 o’clock, as I herded the gang back to the car for the trip over the Pali and home (the Halekulani).
Except for not seeing my family, the Xmas has been a complete success!