Jan. 9, 1942 (Friday)

SS President Polk, Tasman Sea

This war is going to decide the whole future of the human race. If the Allies lose, the World will be in the throes of bloody wars and revolutions for hundreds of years to come. If we win, AND our leaders show a little mature judgment, the future world may look forward to a life of peace and progress bothered by little more than economic troubles, strikes, and inefficient governments — of these none are remotely comparable to the prime and grossest stupidity of man — war.

When this is over, we MUST see to it that the real world is ruled by the English-speaking peoples. Independent nations must be small of size and completely without armaments. They may contribute a small yearly sum for the upkeep of an English-speaking controlled, world-wide, Army, Navy, and AIR FORCE, of a police-like nature. They must not be allowed to build up large merchant marines or commercial airlines, and must submit all grievances of an international nature to a world-elected court of judgment.

If we miss this opportunity at the close of this war, we are all guilty of grossest negligence and stupidity, and fully deserve the grisly fate ahead.