“Button,” Espiritu Santo An attempt is being made to hush up the circumstances of Jap Admiral Yamamoto’s death, which some…
“Button,” Espiritu Santo Nothing doing all day. Caught up on my correspondence. Got a letter from home quoting a recently…
“Button,” Espiritu Santo Did my laundry and lay around the rest of the day. VP-12 with Tylutki, Gillette, and Pack,…
“Button,” Espiritu Santo Patrolled 700 miles (16° to 22°T) toward Nauru and Ocean islands. Saw nothing. The chap (a VP-12…
“Button,” Espiritu Santo Lay around and read Harpers and a condensation of Lin Yutang’s “Wisdom of China and India,” an…
“Button,” Espiritu Santo Some bogies over last night. They dropped bombs all around the Curtiss but didn’t do any damage.…
“Button,” Espiritu Santo Slept through hell and high water last night (drunks). Washed the last two weeks worth of clothes…
“Button,” Espiritu Santo No sign of Charlie’s friends despite clear weather and a full moon last night. I guess those…
“Cactus,” Carney Field, Guadalcanal Patrolled over the equator north of Nauru. Good weather (except for a front over the Solomons);…
“Cactus,” Carney Field, Guadalcanal Finally made Cactus this afternoon after a repeat performance of yesterday. Weather only a little better.…