Pearl Harbor Patrol westerly — nothing, except a few incoming units of the Midway task force — both units almost…
Pearl Harbor More damned stories brought back from Midway — some of them are hard to give credence to —…
Pearl Harbor Verified today that Mosley was shot down in his PBY and — killed — with his whole crew…
Pearl Harbor Patrol southwest — nothing.
Pearl Harbor Hoisted out of bed at 4:30 on a false alarm patrol. Hung around squadron most of the day.…
Pearl Harbor War started out here six months ago today. When into town with Joe Adkinson and Shaw. Trader Vic’s…
Pearl Harbor The newspapers are all howling over “our great victory at Midway.” Seems as though the Japs got a…
Midway My God — the last three days have really been something! This evening’s dinner here at the new BOQ…
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