Pearl Harbor Was duty officer today.
Pearl Harbor Patrol today. Southwest. Nothing.
Pearl Harbor Censored a stack of mail this morning – enlisted men’s mail. The husbands writing to recent brides are…
Pearl Harbor Day off. Swam all morning. Two lengths of the pool underwater (150 ft.) The papers announced that one…
Pearl Harbor Another long patrol to the south-west — we finally sighted something — a mattress! What excitement. There’s a…
Pearl Harbor Breakfast at the Royal Hawaiian (room and two meals — $1!) and back to the squadron by 10…
Pearl Harbor Day off. Met the Smarts at the “Outrigger Club” about 1030 and had my first swim at famed…
Pearl Harbor Another patrol. We went to within a few miles of Johnston Island — saw nothing. I navigated for…
Pearl Harbor Finished Daphne Du Maurier’s “Frenchman’s Creek” – very good, but without the depth or sensitivity of “Rebecca.” The…
Pearl Harbor Day off. Swam all morning. Went over to Ewa Field (pronounced “Evva”) in the afternoon. It’s the Marine…