Pearl Harbor
Found a note from Andregg (VP-44) telling me to call a Mr. Al Lewis, and to see him about the call before I made it. Found out from him that Lewis is the head Pan Am representative out here — so my cable did get through. Andregg said he had also found out, as I did, from friends in Pan Am, but they wanted some Navy pilots. We two are the only ones out here that know of this deal. He said he had sounded out his skipper on turning in a request to the Bureau, but as there have been no official announcement, he had nothing to refer to, and his skipper won’t recommend it otherwise — so he’s up a creek.
He said that the had been over to see Lewis, who had asked him if he knew me, and to please get in touch with me and have me call him, as his San Francisco office wanted him to interview me — Oh, “Opportunity,” I hear you knocking, but I’m going to have one hell of a time getting the door open!
Called Lewis, but he’s away for a few days and I’ll have to wait till he gets back.
Went into town with Oliver to see the “mansion”that eight of us have rented — Glanz, Carmichael, Gibson, Hare, Jackson, Jones, Oliver and myself. Coughed up my share — $50.00 — the night before going to Johnston. The rent is $250.00 per month, the other $150.00 goes for operating expenses. The house is a beauty. Modern, build of lava rock in excellent taste. Has beautiful gardens and a swimming pool! Five bedrooms with a bathroom for each, and at least two beds in each room.
Small party going on when I arrived, but it stopped with blackout. Some of the girls went home, the rest either slept in one of the guestrooms, or slept with whoever brought them — very Bohemian!