Henderson Field, Guadalcanal Saw a P-38 catch fire about 2,500 feet over Lunga Pt. this afternoon. By the time he…
Henderson Field, Guadalcanal Rain. Overnight visitor housing thoroughly fouled. Am reorganizing.
Henderson Field, Guadalcanal Brought the PB4Y back this afternoon. On four engines this time though. Got in a little sunbathing…
Henderson Field, Guadalcanal A USO troop from Nouméa gave a very sad performance this evening. Their reputation had preceded them.…
Koli Field. Guadalcanal Flew the PB4Y over to Koli Field on two engines this afternoon so that Herby Hope and…
Henderson Field, Guadalcanal Return with Admiral and staff to Henderson. After landing found that plane had burned out part of…
Piva Field, Bougainville Took Adm. Halsey and staff to Treasury, where they were picked up by our DC and taken…
Piva Field, Bougainville Took Admiral Halsey, Admiral Fitch and the staff officers around Bougainville this morning. Took a good look…
Piva Field, Bougainville The big news is Truk. The attack there has drained Rabaul of of Jap aircraft and our…
Piva Field, Bougainville Flew Admiral Halsey and 4 staff officers to Piva this morning. His own PB4Y was unable to…