December 7, 1942 (Monday)

Barbers Point NAS

Well, it was a year ago today that I sat reading the Sunday funnies at the McCahey’s in Chicago and listening withing incredulity to the radio announcer interrupting the program with an announcement of the Jap’s bombing of Pearl Harbor. I’ve managed to end my first year of war in one piece. I wonder what the second year will bring? And the third?

Out on a supposedly 20,000 ft. bombing hop to Molokai this morning, but found that the ordinance gang had mistakenly loaded us with water-filled bombs, rather than the 30 lb. demolition needed for 20,000 ft. Tried to use 12,000 ft. but the target clouded over, so I went down to 500 feet and drop by guess. Made each approach from about 1,200 ft. dodging imaginary anti-aircraft fire; dove to 500 ft., turning into the target at the same time. At the proper altitude (500 feet) I leveled off (at about 210 mph indicated) and dropped. It’s quite a successful method, although rather suicidal in the face of any heavy flak.

Into town in the afternoon. Had Patu to dinner at the hotel and then went up to her house for the night.