Netherlands East Indies
No indications of a raid until about 1030 when the siren suddenly went off. The Dutch fighters took to the air and after a short while we could see some of our P-40s way up. The Jap fighters seemed to come in from the south, drawing our fighters away from us. Suddenly, there were the Jap bombers, 18 of them in two Vs of nine, coming in from the northeast. Pushed and crowded into the point-domed shelters only a minute or so ahead of the bombs. Could feel several hit quite close as the shelter rocked. After a moment or so we pushed out to find the shops and hangar next to us afire. Rescued as much equipment as possible and used up all the available fire extinguishers — no water — the mains must’ve broken. Were interrupted by two violent explosions on waterfront. Later proved to be the bombs from one of our planes, which had caught fire — explosions wrecked the magnificent hanger and two Dutch PBY-5s. About then we noticed that our quarters have been demolished by direct hit. Jap Zeros are still strafing us at intervals — this, one hour after the raid was over — those boys either have a stupendous range or there’s a carrier damn near here. Their cannon (bop-bop-bop) destroyed some Dutch planes and a PBY of ours stranded on the mud. They’ve wrecked the air Station — the bombing was superb. Our fighters got some of them and vice versa. Saw one go down in flames. Abandoned quarters and moved into town to the “Brunet” hotel.