San Francisco No orders yet. Lunch with Frank Taylor and his son Jim. He invited me to his house for…
San Francisco Waiting for orders from BuNav. Had lunch with Serge and Laddie Bryner at the Flytrap – they truly…
Santa Clara Spent the day in Santa Clara at Grams. She made me some hamburgers, after which I retired to…
San Francisco Forenoon saw us push through a drizzly fog into San Francisco Bay. Can hardly believe I’m back here.…
North Pacific Have just finished a truly magnificent book which has moved me deeply – “Wind, Sand and Stars” by…
North Pacific 280 miles off Baja California. 800 to go. Heard a funny story today concerning one of the medical…
North Pacific Definitely cooler.
North Pacific Overcast and slightly cooler. Low fogs. Seem to changed course – San Diego?
North Pacific Crossed the equator about 0830 this morning.
South Pacific Pillsbury “officially” announced sunk near Bali.