Barbers Point NAS
Hitchhiked out to the squadron very late, due to an early morning visit to Barbara Thompson. Got some future dates squared away. She looked mighty nice, even early in the morning. I’m up against the stiffest competition in the Islands there though. If I come out on top it’ll be a miracle.
Same old squadron. The very welcome scuttlebutt is out that our beloved exec, Schoenweiss, is being transferred. Sounds too good to be true.
Saw a truly wonderful picture this evening. “Mrs. Miniver” with Teresa Wright, who is, without a doubt Hollywood’s finest young actress. She has the most beautiful expression in her face I have ever seen. Picture was very moving.
Also the official Navy color photos of the Midway battle – quite good. One of the shots showed “Fuzzy” Fisler bringing in some rescued fliers.