Pearl Harbor Another southwesterly patrol today. Saw nothing — heard nothing, said nothing — just one of the three wise…
Pearl Harbor Practiced water and wheel landings today. The 5A is certainly a simple plane to handle on land. It…
Pearl Harbor Drunks wandering all over the BOQ last night – the aftermath of that big station officers dance yesterday…
Pearl Harbor The boys in the next room conducted a good loud party last night from 8 until 1 a.m.…
Pearl Harbor Started off with a riotous morning. Everything possible went wrong. I missed connections with four pilots on the…
Pearl Harbor Had the duty today. Was one of two assistants, so it was comparatively simple. Took a little time…
Pearl Harbor Another 12 1/2 hour hop to the south today. I did the navigating. Saw nothing. The Japs will…
Pearl Harbor Gradually getting squared away at the squadron. My navigation is damn rusty, but coming along well. Named 35…
Pearl Harbor My day off – one in three (plus one day of squadron work and one day of flying…
Pearl Harbor Another 12-hour hop today. Got in two hours ago and my ears are still ringing. Despite the fact…