Brisbane, Australia Started up-river (14 miles) early this morning. Thousands of jellyfish in the water. Docked well below town before…
Brisbane, Australia Raced through the outer reefs and islands early this morning without even stopping to pick up a pilot.…
SS President Polk, South Pacific Our waiter, José, is a card. He calls me “Lt. Cmdr. Shleem” and, with the…
SS President Polk, Tasman Sea Had a little trouble aboard ship last night. This damn merchant marine crew is typical…
SS President Polk, Tasman Sea This war is going to decide the whole future of the human race. If the…
SS President Polk, Tasman Sea Ship pulled out at about 8:30 a.m. The farewells shouted ashore were spirited, and hundreds…
Wellington, New Zealand Got ahore by 7:30 a.m. and took a cable car to the top hill above the town.…
Wellington New Zealand The mountains of New Zealand took form out of the haze on the horizon a little after…
SS President Polk, South Pacific Started to calm down a bit this noon although the winds seems just as strong…
SS President Polk Wind and sea still heavy – Pendola says he’d trade everything he has for a bunk that’d…